Rhodiola rosea ( Latin name: Rhodíola rósea)

Enhance your assortment in the wholesale online store of medicinal plants by offering Rhodiola Rosea directly from Russia. This perennial succulent plant is renowned for its unique medicinal properties and is widely used in traditional medicine.

Key Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea:

Potent Effect: Effective in treating altitude sickness, fatigue, improves performance, and assists in respiratory infections.
Natural Remedy: Used in the form of decoctions and tinctures for treating various diseases, including metro- and menorrhagia, diabetes, tuberculosis, liver diseases.
Versatile Use: Indicated for anemia, headaches, toothaches, malaria, nervous disorders.
Pharmaceutical Use:

Variety of Forms: Available in the form of alcoholic extracts, used for stimulating the central nervous system and recovery after illnesses.
Proven Effectiveness: Salidroside and other active components of Rhodiola exhibit antioxidant, hypoglycemic, and neuroprotective properties.
Gardening and Cosmetology:

Decorative and Beekeeping Use: The plant is valued in decorative gardening and honey production.
Cosmetic Application: Extracts of Rhodiola Rosea positively affect skin condition, slowing down aging processes.
Offer your clients Rhodiola Rosea - a multifunctional and natural solution for maintaining health and well-being.
Contact us for more information and to order products!

Origin: Russia